November 22, 2010


Hi friends!

As you may know I am in Canada.. but I am  on the very westcoast of Canada on Vancouver Island, and the winters are VERY mild here every year. We usually don't see snow until December or January.. if we do at all. Well wow! Mother nature has decided to switch things up this year. We have lots of snow right now and it is quite cold already! I personally don't care for the snow much.. unless it is right at Christmas. Hard to get around.. my fiance can't work in it, and my son can't go to school in it. So yes.. I am less than impressed today. But.. it is pretty when it's covering the trees and the moonlight hits it.. so I do appreciate the scenery.

I had my big jewelry sale this past weekend at the university here in town! That's when all the snow started to fall.. luckily it didn't come down hard until after it was all over. The sale went really well! I met alot of new people and saw many that I already know and love. I sold quite a few pieces that I created specifically for that weekend so all is good in the land of ModRocks ;) There are many many pieces that I still have that I need to take pictures of and need to load up on to my fan page. Really hard to do that with the weather right now.. but need to make it happen!! Here are a few pics from that sale that I took....

I wish the pictures were a little clearer but I didn't have the best camera with me that day. I guess they could be much worse.. ;)

Hope your all staying warm wherever you are around the world! Hopefully the snow here will go away for awhile and come back in a month for Christmas time... And another jewelry sale on Dec 4th to look forward to. More creating to do!

Happy Monday friends!


November 3, 2010

Super Excited!!

Hi friends...

I thought I'd share my exciting news with you all.. since I am bouncing around with glee here all by myself! Haha.. I have done MANY many craft fairs over the years.. every holiday season I get my name in for all the good ones at the end of summer time. I have purchased proper tables and created a really professional set up for each of these shows. I sell my jewelry that I create under the ModRocks name, which has come a long way over the years. ...Well this year I applied along with 100+ other people to sell at a HUGE event in my city that takes place every Christmas.. one that I have never applied to before as I thought you had to be a "somebody" to even get near it. Only 13 people were chosen.. and I GOT IN! Yahh!! The coordinator gave me great compliments after I directed her to my Facebook Jewelry page. She said that it was all beautiful and they would "love" to have me be a part of their sale. I am ECSTATIC! I do have to pay for the table space.. however for the amount of people that show up and the type of event it is (Gala tickets are $150 dollars).. I'm almost guaranteed to do really really well! This event takes place on Nov 20 and 21st. I also have a jewelry sale on Nov 13th as well as Dec 4th for holiday shoppers this year..

I am pretty excited! ♥

Here are a few more pieces that I have created just recently.. I am very much into the asymmetrical designs right now... being unique and different, when society tends to bunch us all together in this world.

I have been mailing jewelry to women around the world for 5 years now.. so if you follow the ModRocks link above and see something you like.. shipping is easy peasy, just contact me!!

So thanks for sharing my excitement with me!! I will be taking pictures at my jewelry shows this year so will be sure to post some of those when I do... they are always great fun.

Have a great Wednesday friends...


Oh, p.s... It looks like I will be buying a CRICUT in the next day or two.. so you know I will be sharing all the new projects I create in here with you as well! See you soon... ♥
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